me holding Marshmallow


Chicken deseases



Chickens are truly the most interesting pets.  If you have chickens you would know!

How to take care of chicks

The first step of getting chickens is making sure they have a cage.   You will need heater and a thermometer and a cage/container/place/tote and some hay so they don't slip. Step 2: picking out chicks.   You should get Americaunas if you are looking for a sweet breed. Or you can get a Speckled Sussex but I think they die off pretty easily. Or many other breed are available.  If you get them as baby chicks they will like you more and not be scared of you. Step 3: food and water. They sell feeders and waterers at Ace Hardware or you could probably order them on-line.  They also sell feed at Ace Hardware. When they're babies you should get the  starter feed. Step 4: everyday health. You should change their hay about every three days and change their water every day.  Fill up their feed when it runs out. Step5:  Bonding with them. If they want down, you should put them down and you should hold them a lot.  Don't push them or if they do something wrong don't punish them.


they love you

How to take care of chicks after they're outside

Once your chicks go outside you must train them to go in the coop when it is dark outside. Every night, once it gets dark out, put them in their coop. Make sure to shut it because foxes, raccoons or mice and many other critters could get in there. Once you put them in the coop enough, they will learn to go in there by themselves.   When they're young you should probably keep them in the run when you leave. If you are worried about them you can put them in the run when you're not outside. You should keep them in the run at all times if you don't have a fence. The reason for doing this is that there are hawks that come out in the day for food and they love chicken. If you have lots of weeds outside they can only eat certain ones such as clover, dandelion leaves, and a plant that looks like clover except smaller. Those are only a few weeds they can eat. Let them eat sand, which helps them grind up their food. They can eat most bugs, but I wouldn't recommend any spiders that can put you in the hospital. No snails or slugs. Here is a list of stuff they can eat: Vegetables but no avacado,  fruit, yogurt, oatmeal, shrimp, tuna,  fish, eggs, bread, and pancakes with no sugar.  And much, much more.



                                                                                                                                  They thank you!! :)